

問到兩位同學此行深刻的體驗,梁凱澄同學表示:「很高興能夠代表香港參加全青會。起初我也有些緊張,因為我從未與其他學校的球員進行過五人制比賽 。 從三場初賽到晉級賽中,我於賽後都有反覆觀看錄像以檢討自己的不足之處,例如發現可以在進攻節奏上處理得更好。在第三場比賽中,雖然對陣全國第一的湖南隊,但我們也打出了應有的水準。晉級後,我們迎戰吉林隊,前兩節我們領先,但在下半場由於我們沒有把握好機會並且體力不足,導致被反超。 雖然無法為香港爭取進入決賽的機會感到遺憾,但當中我深刻體會到調節比賽心態的重要性,也從其他球員上觀摩了他們優秀的基本功。




Well done to Cubie Leung of 5D (front row right 3) and Janet Fong of 4D (front row left 3) for their remarkable success in being selected to represent Hong Kong at the inaugural Student (Youth) Games of the People’s Republic of China (Preliminary Round) organised by the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation. This prestigious event brought together top athletes from 27 provinces and cities across the country, including the top-ranked Hunan team.

Recalling the 10-day trip, both students expressed their profound experiences from this journey. Cubie remarked, “I am thrilled to have had the opportunity to represent Hong Kong in the Student (Youth) Games. Initially, I was a bit nervous as I had never played five-a-side matches with players from other schools. I carefully reviewed the recorded videos after each match to identify areas where I could improve. For example, I realised I could have better managed the offensive rhythm. In the third game, even though we faced the top-ranked Hunan team, we performed at our best level. After advancing, we faced the Jilin team. Sadly, we missed the opportunities and physical fatigue in the second half, which led to a comeback by the opponents. While I feel regretful that we couldn’t secure a spot in the finals for Hong Kong, I have learned the importance of adjusting one’s mindset during competition. I also had the precious opportunity to observe other players and learn from their excellent fundamental skills.”

“This was my first time representing Hong Kong in a five-a-side competition, and I am determined to work harder on my weaknesses. Next time, you will see a different version of me,” Cubie confidently added.

Janet also expressed her honour at being selected as one of the final 12 members to represent Hong Kong at the competition. During the 10-day journey, she not only acquired new knowledge but also experienced various new things, including savouring delicious Northeastern cuisine.

“On the first day of the competition, I felt excited rather than nervous. Although our opponents were not particularly strong in the second match, we did not let our guard down. We started the game with full determination, which allowed us to maintain a constant advantage throughout. Throughout this series of matches, I learned the importance of making appropriate decisions during offensive plays, especially when facing taller opponents where speed and agility are crucial. This competition also exposed me to things I couldn’t experience in Hong Kong, making me aware of the intense competition outside. I hope to utilise these experiences when representing Hong Kong in the future,” Janet shared.