恭喜1C班黎希儿、馬沛兒、2D班冼子山及鍾詩欣同學於「香港機關王競賽 2023/24」贏得「機關整合賽」初級組冠軍、作品流暢度獎及新秀大獎三大獎項。
Congratulations to Li Xier and Ma Peier from 1C, as well as Sin Tsz Shan and Zhong Sze Yan from 2D, for winning the Champion in the Junior Division, the Fluency Award, and the Emerging Talent Award at the “Hong Kong Greenmech Contest 2023/24“.
The competition was held on 11 May 2024, organised by the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. The event aimed to cultivate young people’s understanding and application of scientific principles, renewable energy, and mechanical design. Participants designed and constructed mechanism components, utilising their creative thinking and integrating concepts of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) in their designs. Throughout the process, not only did they learn how to work as a team, but they also strengthened their problem-solving skills and fostered their creativity in mechanical design and scientific application.
In addition to the experience day, the students also participated in a series of workshops to prepare thoroughly for the competition.
Congratulations once again to the four award-winning students. Thank you, Miss Lau, for leading the team and Vice Principal Mr Poon, for attending the event to support the team.