UCC Library 活動系列 – 「深水埗 – 我們的社區」 專題講座

滙基圖書館早前舉辦「深水埗 – 我們的社區」 專題講座,邀得香港民間史地風俗掌故研究者周樹佳先生為主講嘉賓 。 

周先生為多個機構的民俗文化課程導師,包括青年協會、長春社等 , 亦著有 《香港民間風土記憶  》 、 《李我講古》 等二十多本書籍 。 活動上,周先生與同學們分享深水埗區的典故歷史 ,同學們都聽得投入 。

UCC Library recently held “Sham Shui Po – Our Story”, a themed lecture by Mr Chow Shu-kai, Researcher and Writer of Hong Kong Folklore and Anecdotes. Mr Chow is a lecturer for various organisations such as The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) and The Conservancy Association. He also published over 20 books on Hong Kong folk culture. During the talk, Mr Chow shared with the students about the history and folk stories of Sham Shui Po.