
恭喜滙基飛盤隊於9月16日出征飛盤分齡U16錦標賽,分別奪得冠軍、殿軍及精神大獎,其中1B 龐皓袁、 4D 劉梓灝同學更獲選MVP殊榮!
負責老師Mrs Cheng賽後連同所有隊員合影慶賀,而滙基二隊大部分參賽者屬於中一新生,今日得第四名為他們打下強心針。


Congratulations to the UCC Frisbee Team for winning the Champion at the U16 Summer Ultimate Age Group Tournament 2023 on 16 September, organised by the Flying Disc Federation of Hong Kong, China. Team 2 also won the 4th place and the most spirited team in the competition. And huge congrats to Kevin from 1B and Tsz Ho from 4D, who were both awarded MVP of the match.

Well done to all the members, particularly the newly joined S.1 students in Team 2. Keep it going!