一年一度 STEM WEEK 順利於2月20日至24日舉行。
以「STEM ME FLY」為題,本年大會盼透過提升同學們的STEM知識及技能,一起「飛翔」。
精彩內容包括製作馬達紙飛機工作坊、結合Microbit編程的氦氣飛魚氣球製作活動、無人機足球、模擬飛行、AI 遊戲、STEM 書展及智能耕種等攤位。透過採用不同的設計、改良測試,各項活動不但激發同學的創意設計思維,亦啟發了同學「創意動手做」的潛能,從而訓練他們解難能力。同學與此同時也能運用到跨學科的STEM知識,如:物理學、 化學、 數學,以及工程學,將理論知識應用到實際的設計和製作過程中,寓學習於遊戲。
潘貴才副校長、STEM WEEK籌委主席表示:「很高興能在防疫措施放寬後,全校師生一同參與STEM Week活動。特別再次感謝所有參與籌備、設計各工作坊和比賽的教職員團隊和同學,亦感謝大家投入的參與。」
The annual STEM WEEK was successfully held from 20th to 24th February. With the theme “STEM ME FLY”, this year’s conference aimed to enhance students’ STEM knowledge and skills, and “fly” together.
Exciting activities included the motor paper airplane workshop, the helium fish balloon-making activity, combined with micro:bit programming, drone soccer, flight simulator experience, AI games, a STEM book fair, and smart farming booths. By using different designs and conducting various tryouts, these activities not only stimulated students’ creative thinking but also inspired their potential for hands-on work, training their problem-solving skills at the same time.
Students can also apply interdisciplinary STEM knowledge, such as Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Engineering, to the design and production process.
Vice Principal Mr Poon, the STEM WEEK organising committee chair, said, “It was great to see students and staff participate in the STEM Week together after the relaxation of epidemic measures. Thank you again to all the organising staff and students, and everyone who participated.”