滙基同學於「Hackathon @國泰城 2023」比賽中贏得獎項

恭喜1A班鍾柏祈古浩翔林俊希沈博維同學於Hackathon @國泰城2023」比賽中分別贏得 「二等獎」 及「三等獎」兩個獎項。

由Swift Coding Club與國泰航空合辦的「Hackathon@國泰城2023」, 7月7日及8日於東涌國泰城舉行,本校同學分成兩隊參加。經過一連串不同的編程活動學習、比賽,到進行即席演講向評審展示所研發的Swift APP, 同學們介紹了使用AI建議規劃直航路線,以及如何用更節能的飛機、以更環保的方式處理飛機上的廚餘等內容。

兩日一夜的活動中,除了編程活動外,同學們更有機會實地了解航空公司的工作環境,參觀最新的A330/A340飛行模擬器,體驗機師的真實訓練。此外,國泰航空首席機師亦與參加者分享相關飛行及航空業知識,包括介紹「綠色航空」 對業界和全球環境的重要性  。

何嘉樂老師表示:「很高興同學們成功挑戰自己,用兩日一夜的Hackathon時間,設計出一個完整以「綠色航空」為主題的Swift APP,並獲得肯定。希望比賽都能提升他們對環境保護和永續發展的意識,為環保出一分力。」

Hackathon@Cathay City 2023

Congratulations to Lawrence Lin, Roy Sham, Thomas Chung and Owen Gu from Class 1A for their impressive performance in the “Hackathon @ Cathay City 2023” competition. Thomas and Owen won the silver award, while Lawrence and Roy won the bronze award.

Co-organised by The Swift Coding Club and Cathay Pacific Airways, the event was held on 7th and 8th July at Cathay City in Tung Chung. Two teams from UCC participated in the competition.

From developing to presenting their self-created Swift APP to the judging panel, students showcased their creativity and programming skills by applying a series of innovative features, such as AI-assisted direct flight planning and more environmentally-friendly approaches to waste management on planes.

Apart from the programming activities, participants also had the opportunity to visit different areas of the company and try out the latest A330/A340 flight simulators. The Chief Pilot also shared relevant insights about the industry, including a talk about “Green Aviation”.

Mr Ricky Ho, ICT and STEM teacher expressed, “I am delighted that they have successfully challenged themselves and created a comprehensive Swift APP with the theme of “Green Aviation” within two days of the Hackathon.  I hope this competition will inspire the students to become more aware of environmental protection and sustainable development and encourage them to contribute to the cause.”