2A 李德琳
2C 周昶愈
2C 張澤鋒
4A 石縉湧
4C 石縉港
5B 林彥錡
5B 梁愷鋒
5B 李寶婷
5B 胡天諾
6A 韓文龍
6A 文朗謙
6A 蒙仕增
6A 吳梓森
6B 詹詠鈞
6C 黃樂謙
6C 黃鎂兒
6D 葉震昇
The long-awaited ‘Art Bazaar’ is back on 17 February after a three-year hiatus!
Organised by the Counselling team and Peer Counsellors, the Art Bazaar aims to provide students with a relaxing time and showcase their talents during lunch break.
Social Workers of the school and the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society worked with students on various game stalls. From games learning about mental health to better manage emotions, students could also write a gratitude card.
In the exhibition area, Vice Principal Mr Wong displayed his impressive shell collection while Miss Au exhibited her paintings, alongside writing the gratitude cards in Western calligraphy on the spot. Students also shared their currencies and pencils collection from different countries with fellow schoolmates.
The highlight of the day went to the talent show, which began with a beautiful singing performance by Miss Wong, followed by students showcasing their soccer skills, dancing and singing talents. The dance performance by a group of Form 6 students was especially lively and energetic! (Click HERE for more photos of the day)
Thank you once again to all the teachers and students who participated in the exhibition and performance.