在近三年的疫情衝擊下,不少人都身心受壓,無法抒解焦慮和擔憂。這次滙基書院與恩磐堂愛鄰舍中心合辦社區嘉年華, 同學們共用了一個月時間去籌備。他們先參與義工講座,了解石硤尾區在疫症下的鄰里生活情況,期後亦參加了攤位設計訓練,動手設計攤位。
嘉年華當日, 參與的男女老幼都樂在其中,當中扭氣球、擲水彈等攤位遊戲更深受居民歡迎。同學們於活動後進行檢討分享,2A班潘宣佑同學表示:「我認為整個嘉年華都做得很好。同學們不但用心地準備了很多有趣的攤位遊戲,讓大家都玩得不亦樂乎外,拍攝區和扭氣球區更可以讓參加者拿到照片和氣球作為留念。嘉年華會氣氛亦非常熱鬧,有很多人來參加。雖然過程中遇到不少困難,但感恩最後我們也成功克服了並順利完成。由自己第一次負責設計到參與製作一個攤位活動,這些寶貴的經驗都幫助我們在日後做得更好。」
劉振華校長表示:「非常欣賞同學們全情投入的預備和服侍,特別是他們都不介意把自己成為擲水彈的目標,讓參加者直接向他們投擲水彈,充分體現了服務精神。而這次與恩磐堂的堂校合作不但讓學生發揮其策劃、領導等才能,更重要的是能讓同學走出課室,進一步認識我們身處的社區,關心、服務人群。 」
Co-organised by UCC S.2 students and Grace Neighborhood Loving Center (under Grace Hong Kong Evangelical Church, GHKEC), the Fun Community Carnival was held successfully on 19 November 2022.
To provide a platform for Shek Kip Mei’s residents to relieve the stress the epidemic brought and build a healthy and harmonious community, students spent a month preparing for the event. They first participated in lessons about volunteer service to learn more about what the Shek Kip Mei community looked like during the epidemic. They then took part in a booth design workshop and designed various game booths themselves.
On the carnival day, all the participants enjoyed the activity in which booth games such as balloon twisting and water bombs were particularly popular. During post-event sharing and evaluation, Hellen Poon from 2A said: “I think the whole carnival went really well. The whole form not only prepared many fun games for participants to enjoy, they even got photos and balloons as souvenirs. The atmosphere of the carnival was amazing. Although we faced several difficulties during the process, we are grateful that we overcame them in the end. From designing to producing a game booth, these valuable experiences will help us do an even better job in the future.”
Principal Mr Simon Lau also commented: “I really appreciate the wholehearted preparation and service of our S.2 students. In particular, they were willing to make themselves the target for the water bombs game — letting the participants throw water bombs directly at them; this fully reflects the spirit of service.
This collaboration between GHKEC and the school not only allows students to showcase their planning and leadership skills. More importantly, it enables students to get out of the classroom, to understand further the community we live in, to care and serve the people around us.”